About the Awards
His late Highness, Maharana Bhagwat Singh Ji Mewar, instituted the Maharana Mewar foundation Annual Awards in 1980. He described this act in his own words:
"…(This is) a humble effort to preserve the age old traditions and obligations of the House of Mewar to serve society and assist man who realises his special status in the hierarchy of God's creations and to serve as a temple of inspiration to future generations to preserve and protect the spirit of self-respect and self-reliance."
The Maharana Mewar Foundation Annual Awards constitute a major part of the activities of the Maharana Mewar Charitable Foundation (MMCF).
From a modest beginning of awards limited initially for the scholars in Udaipur, the range of these awards has steadily grown to become an event in the domestic and international arena.
Today, the Awards honour the recognition of service of permanent value already rendered to society in which, eminent scholars, students and common citizens who, through their chosen field of study and activity, have contributed to the society.
Scheme of Annual Awards and Honour Roll