Mewar Sabha Shiromani
Mewar Sabha Shiromani, being a forum of national and international People and Friends of Mewar, is a voluntary association; described as a ‘meeting forum’ for the invitees or ‘Kul Gauravs’. It will function as a ‘voluntary association of people’ who will be meaningfully mobilised and organised as an ‘advisory forum’ working for the benefit of Mewar region through the MMCF.
The MMCF, through the Mewar Sabha Shiromani Secretariat specially created, will be ensuring that the information collected and shared through the global initiative is sufficiently safeguarded against any misuse.
In case of any third-party misuse, the MMCF will not be held liable for damages by any invitee or their family-members. The invitees, on their part, will ensure that all the information provided is accurate and to the best of their knowledge. At any time, they may be asked to furnish proof for their statements.
The MMCF shall maintain, validate and continuously update the directory generated and all invitees will be encouraged to update the information and provide relevant details without undue delays.
Invitees will be encouraged to ‘refer’ their family-members or friends to the MMCF through the Secretariat formed for extending invitation.